
This set of changes is called the "magic pfile". The idea is to make the overhead of running in checkout:edit mode match checkout:get by removing the need to maintain pfiles. This is done by making the standard pfile in which the tip delta edited just be implied merely by the fact that the gfile is writable. We still use pfiles to record merges and excludes, but in the normal case no pfile is required.

Shape of code changes

Much of the code changes are to make sure that all interaction with pfiles is done via a fixed set of interfaces. The presence of a pfile should be detected with HAS_PFILE() and xfiles_exists(file, p) and pfiles should be read and written using sccs_read_pfile() and write_pfile(). Ideally all of the logic is hidden inside there after that. In reality, it’s close. The developer still needs to have awareness of the model and understanding of what has shifted.

In sccs_init() we set HAS_PFILE() if the sfile exists and the gfile is writable and is not a symlink. The only time we even need to lstat to see if the pfile exists is if the gfile is missing, read-only or a symlink.

HAS_PFILE() does not include conditions about KEYWORDS(s) or if this repo supports magic pfile (FEAT_PFILE which is FEAT_BWEAVEv3). This means bk-6 and bk-7 respond a little differently as bk-7 will see a magic pfile in a writable file that has keywords but no real pfile. The conditions are tightened in the spots like delta, and unedit.

In sccs_read_pfile() if the open() of p.file fails we look to see HASGRAPH(s) && WRITABLE_REG(s) and if so we construct the data for the default pfile.

Conditions to skip writing pfile
  • BITKEEPER(s) — AT&T sfiles still get pfiles

  • (d == sccs_top(s)) — must be top delta; true in multi-tip resync

  • !i2 && !iLst && !xLst && !mRev — We need pfile to store this stuff

  • WRITABLE_REG(s→mode) — regular writable file

  • !HAS_KEYWORDS(s) — get and edit produce same file

  • features_test(s→proj, FEAT_PFILE) — bk-6.x can’t operate here

(symlinks always need a pfile since they are always writable)

Notice that none of these operations need any extra syscalls. Well, almost none…​ features_test make a proj struct cache on the BitKeeper/log/features file. It needs to be read once.


A place to put things which are different between running bk-6.x and bk-7.x in the same conditions.

  • bk unedit will now work on a gotten file with keywords and chmod +w.


The problem with keywords is that if a file has them and a user does chmod +w gfile the resulting gfile is "wrong", the keywords are expanded and we don’t want them to be. We address this problem by just requiring a pfile for any file that uses keywords. So the logic in check.c to repair problems when you find a writable gfile without a pfile still exists and is used when keywords are involved.

Compatibility with old bk

Having the pfiles be optional will be tied to the new BWEAVEv3 feature bit. So that the only repositories that use this feature cannot be read by old versions of bk. Internally we will have some unshipped versions of bk that won’t understand this, but it seems manageable.

In the code, FEAT_PFILE is used, so it can be grepped to see where the BWEAVEv3 feature is being relied on for magic pfiles.

Interaction with blob-fs changes

The blobfs code currently works like this:

remap_open(project *proj, char *rel, int flags, mode_t mode)
	int	sccs, ret;
	char	buf[MAXPATH];

	sccs = fullRemapPath(buf, proj, rel);
	ret = open(buf, flags, mode);
	// O_RDWR is actually broken, but we don't use that
	if ((ret < 0) && sccs && !(flags & (O_WRONLY|O_RDWR))) {
		ret = blob_open(proj, rel);
	return (ret);

(try old location first and then ask blob if it knows)

I am going to move to a new world where after a clone the blobfs is the sole owner of information about what is in the SCCS directories and we keep a list of directories where we have written data and need to revert to the "look first" mode. So for most of a repository bk works without looking at the disk at all. Only the places where the user has been doing work need to be checked with each file access.

However in checkout:edit mode writing a pfile to every directory would kill this idea immediately. So the magic-pfile cset allows the blobfs to continue to work the way we intend.